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Louisiana Association of Clinical Social Workers

Continuing Education Pre-Approval Application

Instructions: Applicants seeking approval for a continuing education offering should submit the following information to LACSW at least six (6) weeks prior to the proposed event:
● Completed Application Packet
● Payment:
○ $50.00 for a single presentation,
○ $75.00 for multiple presentations of the same curriculum within the approval year
○ Check payable to LACSW OR Copy of Online Payment Receipt
● Presenter CVs or Bios, as appropriate
● Copy of Brochure / Promotion Material
● Copy of your Post-Attendance Evaluation Form

Approval should be determined within one (1) week of the receipt of the required materials; however, clarification on topic subject matter suitability may be required from you or additional reviewers. Please be prepared to follow up promptly to avoid approval delays.
An email will be sent indicating the approval status, the number of contact hours approved and the educational category the presenter qualifies for.

Certificate Issuance Service
At the discretion of the CEU committee and Presenter(s), upon receipt of the following information after the event is held, LACSW will provide LACSW-approved Certificates Attendance to participants who have documented attendance of 80% of the scheduled contact
hours. These certificates shall be emailed to appropriate attendees:
1. List of names, email addresses, and number of documented contact hours of participants.
2. Proof of Attendance: Sign-in and Out Sheet (or virtual attendance log) OR attestation that all attendees attended at least 80% of scheduled
3. Cost: $75 (10 certificates) + $5.00/additional certificate

Application for Pre-Approval of Social Work Continuing Education Program Credit
For Pre-Approval of Social Work Continuing Education Program Credits, application to be considered for approval must be completed in its entirety and all requested supporting documentation attached. Please provide a checklist acknowledging your attached supporting documentation. If the application is not complete, an email will be sent to you acknowledging your application was not
complete (incomplete applications will not be returned).

Download Printable Application
Choose Document 1

Your application has been submitted

LACSW strives to protect the integrity of Clinical Social Workers in Louisiana

Contact us:

Designed by Leon C. Winters, LCSW-BACS


The Louisiana Association of Clinical Social Workers

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© 2022 Louisiana Association of Clinical Social Workers

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